Analytics for an edge.
We supply predictions and high level data to help you beat the sportsbooks.
What you get
Predictive Algorithims to bet on games
We built models and tested them against historical results. The models have been successful or you would not be seeing them here. All our past results are listed on this site.
Analytics not a magic eight ball
We provide you with the information to make your best bets. We don't just tell you "what to do", we show you predicted scores, the likelihood of winning, the percent chance to cover the spread, power rankings, advanced stats and more.
Unique insights
We not only provide algorithmic predictions but also unique articles that discuss how to view sports and betting through a statistical lens.
What we do
We built proprietary statistical models to beat the sportsbooks. No gimmicks, no "gut feelings", just data.
Our analysis hones in on which statistics are most predictive and utilizes this to build effective models. Our models account for weather, days off, stadiums and much more.
What separates us
We provide one of a kind statistical analysis for futures bets, off-field bets such as the NBA and NFL Drafts and international events.
We give you information to finetune your bets. The best strategies combine a quantitative and qualitative approach, one without the other is a recipe for failure.